Pet Care App

The PetsHelp app will help you save your precious time and reduce the risks and expenses of caring for your pet!
The main purpose of the app is to provide fast assistance in taking care of your pets.
The interface and the main sections of PetsHelp are easy to understand and easy to use.

Pet profile

Information about your furry friend: name, age, gender, chip number and more.

Routine inspections

Routine inspections will help discover and prevent any changes in your pet's health and behavior.

Notification system

The notification system of procedures and mandatory vaccinations will remind you when you need to give vitamins to your pet, take care of mites or give them a rabies shot.

Vet online

And most importantly, in the Help section, you have unlimited consultations with experienced vets about potential diseases.

The PetsHelp app will help you prevent illnesses, conflicts and aggression for your pet and make your environment cosy and happy.

Download App

The PetsHelp app will be especially useful for those who own a few pets.
Download the app and start taking proper care of your pets right now!

Video App Intro


Pretty often you need answers to such questions:

  • Why does my cat poop on the bed?
  • What do you do if your cat won't let you sleep at night?
  • How to introduce a cat to a new kitten?
  • What you should feed a kitten with?
  • How do you know if you should put a cat down?

You're looking for a competent specialist to get a consultation in such situations:

  • A cat won't poop in the litter box;
  • A cat poops next to the litter box;
  • A cat has diarrhea;
  • My cat itches;
  • My cat won't eat;
  • My cat is throwing up;
  • My cat is drooling;
  • My cat's eyes are watering;
  • Is my cat sluggish?

Download the app and start taking proper care of your pets right now!

From the history of vet consultations

Next version App

Medical history

You won't lose your medical history and prescriptions.

Veterinary visits

You'll be able to plan your vet visit in advance.


Our subscribers will be able to get discounts for medical service.

Cloud storage for tests

You won't lose your pet's ultrasound, x-ray, blood and urine etc. tests' results.

Pet self-diagnosis

Subscribers will be able to check their pets' for symptoms by themselves.


Pets' owners' reviews will help you choose the best vet.

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